narratus subsystem

This changes monthly (ideally). This is only the active list (meaning only those with roles are listed), do not ask for the inactive list.

Everyone here opted in to have their information shared.

Minimal information is put on this list mostly because it's a pain to keep up with.

"careful, my low-iron king." - asmodai


"Cheesecake crust drive me nust." - Jonas


"If you thought I was lovely, you wouldn't flip me like a 7/11 hotdog." - Xihuitl


"You fucka da fish."


"I want to be Schrödinger's Introject."


"Some days... I feel like attic insulation..."


"I didn't choose the BL manga life, the BL manga life chose me..."


"I need to focus, I'm shifting into bug mode."


"Those are ANGRY kisses! Sit in the very nice warm bed of SHAME!"


"I was playing hard to get in the 'i have a life' department."

currently fronting

current travellers